What Is Gelatin Good For? Use Of Gelatin For Bones And Joints
February 16, 2021
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February 16, 2021What is Gelatin?
Gelatin is a clear, tasteless protein used to thicken or solidify food products. It is an animal product and is not vegan. Gelatin which collected from Halal ways is known as Halal Gelatin. Gelatin is also used in personal care products, cosmetics, drug capsules, and photography. It is popularly known as the base of gelatin desserts.
What is Halal Gelatin?
Halal Gelatin is a kind of gelatin from other different resources which is abiding by ISLAMIC LAWs. HALAL means “PERMITTED”, which strictly puts a prohibition on Pig-based Products let it be Food, Cosmetic, Clothing, etc. This Gelatin performs an exact Function like normally Pig based gelatin.
When it comes to food products that are acceptable or unacceptable for Muslims to consume, two words crop up again and again: HALAL and HARAM. Halal means “lawful” and haram means “forbidden”. There are strict rules concerning how animals must be slaughtered and what products cannot find their way into foods. Gelatin poses a particularly interesting issue for the halal diet, as it is often extracted from the bones and skins of pigs.
There are two points of debate about whether gelatin is halal. First, if the gelatin uses pig bones, then it is automatically not halal. The second point is potentially more nebulous. Muslims are forbidden from eating carrion, and if the bones do not count as carrion, they must be from an animal slaughtered according to Islamic Law.
Important Point:
The halal status of gelatin is an important point for Muslims because a large number of desserts, as well as some other food products, contain gelatin. For example, a Muslim must think twice about desserts such as ice cream, cheesecakes, and parfaits unless they contain halal gelatin. The same can be said of many cakes, chocolates, puddings, and candies. The only way Muslims can make certain the product contains gelatin that is halal is if the product is specifically stamped as halal.
One way for Muslims to be certain that gelatin is halal is to buy vegetarian-friendly gelatin. A large number of products have converted their production methods to use vegetarian-friendly gelatin in order to broaden the appeal of their products without having to drastically alter the product itself. This means vegetarian-friendly desserts like cheesecakes and ice cream will contain halal gelatin.
Another alternative is to buy gelatin from specific halal gelatin producers. These gelatins can be made from cows sacrificed to Allah or plants without any pork contamination. Halal gelatin products are limited but continually being researched.
Where to Buy Halal Gelatin?
For order booking of Halal Gelatin Contact Halal Gelatin. We are one of the leading manufacturers of Halal Gelatin in Pakistan. We supply gelatin not only in Pakistan but around the globe like Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, and Germany.
If you are looking for good quality halal gelatin options, then we recommend visiting our Products Page.
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